learn mastering
Russ explains some element of the master.
The course book - Practical Mastering by Russ, and Mark Cousins
The course 'mug shot'
Russ explains some element of the master.
...for when online videos don't cut it - a conversation might!
Our introductory course: “Learn Mastering” has been taught by MOTTOsound’s Russ Hepworth-Sawyer and former Abbey Road Mastering Engineer Paul Baily in northern England (UK) since 2011.
This course is intended for those with experience in the studio or home studio that wish to learn a little about the ‘dark art’ of mastering.
As a cohort of no more than eight students, using multiple set ups, you’ll cover:
an introduction of history
the modern context of mastering
the tools of the trade
listening skills and advice
practical mastering
There are ample opportunities to master your music with the pros and take home some knowledge, a free course mug and a copy of Practical Mastering the book (pictured below).
Working with various mixes permitted by MOTTOsound clients, we’ll explore the relationship between the mix and the mastering process, judging how to improve the sound at each stage to create consistent and professional sounding audio. Learn how to work with a mix engineer to coax a great outcome and produce a superb master.
Courses are run over a weekend in a mastering studio in northern England. Typical cost £200, payable in advance.
To register your interest, please use contact us.